Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crazy-Ass Insects

I know crazy-ass isn't the most intellectual term I could use to describe the following insects but I was in the forest, I was tired and hot, and that is the first thing that came to mind.

Terrestrial leeches. If you have never come across a terrestrial leech you are lucky. They live in tropical forests and come out when the forest is moist. They love our necks, mostly because that is the only skin that is exposed since you can't go out in the forest without pants and long sleeves. I now refer to their bites as leach hickies. Luckily I have only had one, so far.

Another insect, Jamie and I both despise, is a cross between a fly and what looks like a termite. It has the most painful bites and leaves a tiny puss-like welt which also hurts. Oh yeah, I am bringin' sexy back. The insect which amazes me here is the ant. There are at least 10 different species of ants here and some of them are as big as a spider. They love worms. Every day I see a group of ants attack a worm and then carry it off as food for later. A group of ants carried away a 13 inch worm yesterday! They are strong. I'll admit it's gross to watch but fascinating at the same time.

I was disappointed today after being in the forest for 9 1/2 hours and following the Gibbons for 7 of that. We lost them at the very end of the day when trying to figure out their night trees. They ran so fast Jamie and I couldn't keep up. I clumsily went through a huge group of ants and had hundreds of them all over me. Then she did the same. The day wasn't wasted though since we watched them grooming each other for the first time, which is pretty incredibly cute.

I can't really comment much on Thai food in general since the only restaurant I have eaten at is the one in the park and I use the term restaurant very loosely. It is basically an outdoor kitchen with wooden benches but Bahn makes a pretty wicked Pad Thai. I sure could use a Chef Salad right about now though or chips and salsa.


  1. oh girl! those bugs seem crazy. brian would not last one minute there. oh and i'll get on him for making that thai food cart list for you...basically it will be everywhere that anthony bourdain has been too. hehe.

  2. Yes! Anthony Bourdain's list would be great! I can't wait to eat the street food in Bangkok! Thanks.

  3. You and bugs! remember those spiders we just saw in Hawaii, now those are scary. If I ran into one of those I'd be hard pressed to recover, so I suppose arial leeches seem the path of least resistance. I saw a giant ant on National Geographic once that could carry away the carcass of a whole pig, thank god you are not in that country.

    If you take the trip to see the indigenous Hamman you can eat lunch from these drum like pot/stoves and it is really really good stuff.

    Lovin your blog, keep it coming. Love yu mom.

  4. Despite the nasty bugs, this sounds amazing. I wish you could upload some pics for us to see. I am glad that you are having a good time on your adventure.

  5. Yikes! Leech hickies!! That reminds me of stand by me. And not that it's anywhere near the same thing, but if it makes you feel any better, we've been attacked by an invisible bug AT WORK the last three weeks. I have to work at home tomorrow b/c I can't concentrate with all the biting and itching...

  6. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the forest, you know which animal to blame.
